Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I need a job

If you read this say a prayer that I get a full time job. I have had a number of interviews now which went great and I thought everything was all set. Only not to hear back... I just keep getting strung along. It is past time to take serious evasive action. I have been in Virginia almost four weeks now and a collision with brokeness seems inevitable. My life lately has been like drowning in the little trickle of water that flows down next to the curb because your neighbor is washing his car. Not too much to do but to little. I've been waiting. Waiting for jobs I thought were sure things to call me up and say "you start monday." Now I regret all this wasted time having been lulled into a false sense of security. Why can't people understand that I am the best damn employee the could want to have? Tomorrow I start operation emergency employement NOW!


  1. Matt, you are the best damn employee any employer could ever dream of.

    It'll happen soon... God just doesn't want you to get too comfortable. Or maybe he wants you to get more comfortable? Like an exercise in trust. Think of Dad all those years. Do what you have to do. Don't let it get you down. And enjoy what leftover free time you have while you have it. It WILL work out. It has to-- you rock. Also, I love you and am praying for you. Also... drink more water. Stay hydrated. You've been running a lot. And smile. Employers love happy, fresh, well hydrated-faced employees. It's good for business.

  2. Thanks Mags. Discovered that my face was severely dehydrated. No doubt the source of the problem...

  3. PS. You're good for my business....

  4. Are you still looking Matty G?? I can ask my D.C. peeps if they know of just say the word...

  5. Dang, KP. You're so connected...

  6. What the heck? I thought you had something all lined up with TJ's?
